In 1972, Mount Olive adopted a Mayor-Council Form of Government under the Faulkner Act. Both the Mayor & Council are elected at large.
Our Mayor
The Mayor is elected every four years and earns a $24,000 annual salary. The Mayor:
- Exercises executive power of the municipality,
- Appoints department heads with Council approval.
- Removes department heads subject to Council disapproval by 2/3 of all members.
- Prepares budget.
- Has veto over ordinances subject to override by 2/3 of all members of Council.
Our Town Council
Town Council members serve four year staggered terms and earn an annual salary of $12,000 while the Council President makes $13,200. Town Council Meetings are held on two Tuesdays a month at 7PM. Town Council:
- Exercises legislative power of municipality
- Approves appointment of department heads.
- Disapproves removal of department heads by 2/3 vote of all members.
- Overrides Mayor’s veto by 2/3 of all members.
- The tentative budget is prepared by the mayor, who submits it to the council for approval. The council may reduce items in the mayor’s budget by a simple majority, but may increase items only by a two-thirds majority.
- Appoint members of Board of Health, Open Space Advisory Board and provide advise and consent for Mayoral appointments on other Committees and Boards.
- Serve as liaisons to committees in order to seamlessly blend the role of municipal government with the roles of its volunteers.
- Appear at town events to represent the town
- Listen to the residents and voice their concerns as they are brought to them
Interested in Running?
Four Council Seats will be on the ballot on 11/4/2025
Find out More About Local Government
Mount Olive Town Council Webpage
Association of New Jersey Environmental Commission